Apps to see the meaning of the name

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Nowadays it is possible to understand how to download applications to see the meaning of the name and learn more about each origin, being able to consult a description with many details and you can even share it with your own social networks.

This is a way to connect more with your own history and still know if the meaning of the name has to do with your personality.

Many couples who are waiting for the birth of the baby also have a hard time understanding the meaning of the name of the child that is coming, since this decision is the one that will accompany the whole life of the little one, therefore, choosing a name with a meaning that make sense, it's very important. Therefore, there are many apps that also promise to help dads at this time, which for many can be a very stressful time.

If you're curious, read on to find out more about it.

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Apps to see the meaning of the name

Check the list of apps to look up the meaning of your name.

Meaning of names

The application also has information such as strengths and weaknesses, as well as characteristics that can determine some attitudes and personalities, such as flaws and qualities.

In addition to questions that can understand the advances to improve some aspects of life. The query is made through a list organized in alphabetical order or if you want, you can find the desired name through the search field.

The largest number are names of Brazilian and Portuguese origin, but the application developers are trying to include names from other locations and origins. Therefore, it is possible to suggest the inclusion of a name not found in the application. 

The tool is very intuitive and easy to use and is offered free of charge for Android users.

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These apps are also used by expectant mothers who want to know more about the name they are considering registering for their unborn babies. There are some options for those who are inside this case. Check it out below.

My baby's name

This application has a database with over ten thousand names for consultation. It is still possible to consult the names through the following criteria: size, origin, what is the most common age for that name in addition to popularity. With the research carried out, it is possible to create a list of names to add the options that most please the parents. 

CharliesNames – The Baby Name App

The application has an artificial intelligence that aims to facilitate and assist in choosing the baby's name. But how is this done? Well, it's very simple. The application's database has twelve thousand names, both for boys, girls and names considered as gender neutral. 

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One of the coolest features is that it is possible to check if the name matches the last name of the parents, in addition to checking compatibility for compound names. Thus, it will be possible to perform a comparison between the names.


This option is famous for being similar to Tinder, the most popular dating app. After parents download the application and define the filters they would like, cards with names that make up a database of more than thirty thousand names will begin to appear. 

And then, the process is the same as in the dating app: if you like the name, you swipe the screen to the right and if you don't like it, you swipe it to the left.

When the two partners match one of the names, the app will alert them. It can be a fun and different way for that moment.

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Giulian Casanova
Giulian Casanova
I'm passionate about gadgets, applications and technology. My passion for innovation and my never-ending curiosity drive me to explore the digital world and discover the latest technological trends and solutions. Writing about these topics is more than a job for me, it's a true passion.